MSI-4260 Port-A-Weigh Crane Scales

MSI-4260 Port-A-Weigh Crane Scales

  • $6,895.00

After three decades of production, added advancements, and thousands of worldwide installations, the next generation Port-A-Weigh embedded with ScaleCore technology continues to reign as the industry standard.

MSI-4260B discontinued, being replaced by MSI-4260C. Contact for quote.

• 250 kg x 0.1 kg / 500 lb x 0.2 lb
• 1,000 kg x 0.5 kg / 2,000 lb x 1 lb
• 2,500 kg x 0.5 kg / 5,000 lb x 1 lb
• 5,000 kg x 1 kg / 10,000 lb x 2 lb
• 10,000 kg x 2 kg / 20,000 lb x 5 lb
• 15,000 kg x 5 kg / 30,000 lb x 10 lb
• 25,000 kg x 5 kg / 50,000 lb x 10 lb
• 35,000 kg x 10 kg / 70,000 lb x 20 lb
• 50,000 kg x 10 kg / 100,000 lb x 20 lb

 Crane unit with 5-digit, 30 mm LED display
• NEMA 4 IP66 rated, not safe for emersion but able to be used outdoors
 Top lifting eye or shackle, bottom thrust bearing swivel hook
 12V rechargeable battery
• Universal 115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz battery charger (NA plug standard) 

 AM-5180C and S.WA-3257
*While the MSI-4260 is Measurement Canada Approved, certain limitations may apply. In light of this, Valley Scales does not offer certification as an option through the website. Please contact us for legal for trade specifications should you wish Measurement Canada Certification info and option.


Specifications:   User Manual: